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Friends & Acquaintances  Hobbies & Interests  

この前、念願の新しい車を買ったんだ。そんなに大したものじゃないんだけどね。 ZOOM
I finally got a new car the other day. Well, It’s nothing special, just gets me from A to B.

→そんなこと言って、結構高かったんでしょ? ZOOM

So, come on, how much was it?
[Literally: Even though you say so, I know it was quite expensive, right? (implying the car-purchaser should stop trying to act modest)]
どんな車なの? ZOOM
What kind of car is it?
今度乗せてね。 ZOOM
You should give me a ride sometime.
自慢話はもう聞き飽きたよ。 ZOOM
Always one step ahead of everyone else, aren't you.
[Literally: I am sick of listening to your boasts.]
はいはい、すごいね。 ZOOM
Wow, great.
[Literally: OK, OK, that's great]

Work/School  Friends & Acquaintances  

今日はどうだった? ZOOM
How was your day today?

→いつもどおり。 ZOOM

Same as usual.
毎日同じこと聞かれても、特に何もないよ。 ZOOM
Nothing special. Can’t you think of something else to ask me?
マジで最悪。もう誰かにこのとこと話したくてウズウズしてた。 ZOOM
I had the worst day! I really needed someone to tell this horrible story to.
[Literally: Oh it was horrible. I was bursting for the whole day to talk about this to someone]
面白いネタがあるんだ。聞きたい? ZOOM
Guess what?
[Literally: I have something interesting to talk about. Do you want to listen?]

Friends & Acquaintances  Love & Relationships  

ごめん、もうチャット終わらせなきゃ。 ZOOM
Sorry, we need to finish chatting now.

→いつもそう言ってからが長いくせに。 ZOOM

You always say you're going, but it takes another ten minutes before you actually leave.
[Literally: It's always long before you hang up after you say so.]
あとでまたメールして。 ZOOM
OK, then text me back later.
時間がないなら、始めから連絡してこなきゃいいのに。 ZOOM
Don't start a conversation if you don’t have the time to carry it through.

Friends & Acquaintances  

遅れそう。 ZOOM
I'm running late.

→今度は気を付けてね。 ZOOM

You should try to be more punctual.
お店で時間つぶしてるね。 ZOOM
OK, I'm waiting at the store.
[Literally: I'm killing some time at the store.]
またなの?そのセリフ、耳にタコができるほど聞いたよ。 ZOOM(PICTURE)
I'm tired of hearing you say that over and over again.
[Literally: Again? I've heard the same phrase so many times and now I've got a callus on my ear.]
君の言うちょっとって、2時間とかだよね? ZOOM
I know "a little bit" means like two hours with you.

Friends & Acquaintances  

今度こっちに来たら、夕飯は僕が奢るよ。 ZOOM
When you come to Seattle, I’ll treat you to dinner.

→ありがとう。 ZOOM

Thank you.
ありがとう、でも割り勘にしよう。 ZOOM
Thanks, but let's split it.
でも私の方が年上だから。 ZOOM
Come on, I'm older, I'll pay.
[Literally: But I'm older than you so….]
付き合ってない人には奢られたくないの。 ZOOM
I don't want to be treated unless we're dating.

Family  Friends & Acquaintances  

最近、ご両親との関係は上手くいってるの? ZOOM
How are things with your parents?

→冷戦状態よ。 ZOOM

We barely speak.
[Literally: It's like we are under the Cold War.]
孫には優しいけど、私には厳しいわ。 ZOOM
They're nice to my kids, but not to me.
[Literally: They are nice to their grandchildren but acting hard on me.]
夫がマザコン過ぎて嫌になる。 ZOOM
I didn't know my husband was such a mama's boy.
[Literally: My husband has a complex about his mother—it’s so bad, I’ve become sick of it.]
前よりはだいぶマシかな。 ZOOM
It's much better than before.

Friends & Acquaintances  Complaints  

彼女が言ったこと、あれはないよね。 ZOOM
What she said was completely out of line.

→いくらなんでも、確かにあれはないね。 ZOOM

Yeah, there's no excuse for that.
口から出まかせだったんじゃない? ZOOM
Maybe she just shot from the hip.
そう?今の子たちはあんな感じだよ。 ZOOM
Really? I think it's normal for a girl her age.

Friends & Acquaintances  Complaints  

あの映画、最高に面白かった。 ZOOM
I really love that movie.

→私、それ見たことないな。 ZOOM

I've haven't seen it.
あんなの、子供だましじゃない。 ZOOM
It was kind of juvenile, not very sophisticated.
面白かったけど、デート向きじゃないよね。 ZOOM
It was interesting, but I wouldn't go for a date.
あの作品はDVDで十分な感じかな。 ZOOM
It wasn't really worth going to the cinema for.
[Literally: We could have waited till it's on a DVD.]

Friends & Acquaintances  

具合が悪くて、熱があるんだ。 ZOOM
I have a fever.

→今日はもう休んだ方がいいね。 ZOOM

You should rest then.
医者の不養生だね。 ZOOM
Physician, heal thyself!
[Literally: You are a physician, so should have taken more care of yourself.]
だから言ったでしょ。罰が当たったんだよ。 ZOOM
I told you. Serves you right.

Friends & Acquaintances  Health & Fitness  

友達が飲み過ぎで転んだらしい。 ZOOM
Apparently, my friend drank too much and keeled over.

→かわいそうに。。。 ZOOM

I’m sorry to hear that.
自業自得だね。 ZOOM
Serves him/her right.
絵に描いたような失敗談だね。 ZOOM
Well now, that’s what we call an epic fail.
[Literally: There’s a story of failure that sounds like it was drawn in a picture.]

Friends & Acquaintances  Love & Relationships  

友達が、変な男に夢中になっちゃってる。 ZOOM
My friend is crazy about some weird guy.

→恋は盲目って言うからね。 ZOOM

Well love is blind, as they say.
恋の病に薬なし ZOOM
There ain’t no cure for love.
夢中になれる相手がいるだけマシだよ。 ZOOM
Just be grateful that someone actually exists to fall for.
ある意味、いいコンビじゃない? ZOOM
Well then, sounds like they were made for each other.

Idle Conversation  Friends & Acquaintances  

I've never lost a fight.

嘘つくなよ。 ZOOM
Don't lie.
何だ?売られた喧嘩は買うぞ。 ZOOM
What? You want to fight me?
[Literally: If you are selling me a 'fight,' I must buy it.]
そんなこと言っていられるのも今のうちだ。 ZOOM
From the looks of it that won’t last long.
[Literally: You won't be saying that for long.]

Work/School  Friends & Acquaintances  

Let's drink until we drop.

朝まで付き合うよ。. ZOOM
I'll hang out with you until morning.
今日はパス。明日も仕事だから。 ZOOM
Not today. I have to work tomorrow.
ほどほどにしろよ。 ZOOM
Go easy.
そういう日もあるよな。 ZOOM
Yeah, some days we all feel like doing that.

Love & Relationships  Friends & Acquaintances  

I got a girlfriend.

やったな。 ZOOM
抜け駆けしやがって。 ZOOM
You jumped the gun, that’s not cool. (Implying both parties had agreed to ask the girl out at the same time and let her choose, and one broke the agreement.)
俺は明日から一体誰と遊べばいいんだ?. ZOOM
Hey, now who am I going to hang out with?
今度紹介しろよ。 ZOOM
Introduce her to me next time you see me!

Friends & Acquaintances  

This is my lifelong wish. Please lend me your $20.

お前には“一生”が何回あるんだよ?. ZOOM
How many “lifelong wishes” have you already asked me to fulfil?
[Literally: How many "lives" do you have?]
金の切れ目が縁の切れ目って言うじゃないか。. ZOOM
Out of pocket, out of mind. ZOOM
[Literally: The end of money is the end of friendship.]
$20くらい、くれてやる。. ZOOM
Don't forget to pay me back.
絶対返せよ。. ZOOM
Please return it.

Friends & Acquaintances  

I need your suggestion.

また金の話か?. ZOOM
I hope it's not about money this time.
恋愛相談なら他を当たってくれ。 ZOOM
I can't give you any love advice.
深刻そうだな。. ZOOM
You look serious.
何でも話してみろよ。. ZOOM
You can ask me anything you want.

Friends & Acquaintances  

She’s weird.

少し個性的だよね。 ZOOM
Yeah, a little bit “unique.”
どんな風に? ZOOM
How so?
あなたも負けず劣らずだと思うよ。 ZOOM
To me, you are equally weird.
個性的で素敵だと思うけど。 ZOOM
I think she has an attractive personality.

Complaints  Friends & Acquaintances  

I had a fight with my friend.

なにが原因? ZOOM
What was the reason?
仲直りしたいなら、早く話し合ったほうがいいよ。 ZOOM
If you want to make up, you need to talk with him/her soon.

またなにかキツイこと言っちゃったの? ZOOM
You made some hurtful remarks again?

Friends & Acquaintances  

I want to introduce my friend.

嬉しいんだけど、人見知りだから。 ZOOM
Thank you, but I’m shy in front of strangers.
どんな子? ZOOM
What kind of person is he/she?

私も会ってみたいと思ってたんだ。 ZOOM
I’ve wanted to meet him/her.

Friends & Acquaintances  

Let’s go drink with those people next time.

いいね、企画頼んだよ! ZOOM
Great. Please organize it!
久しぶりに集まりたいね。 ZOOM
It’s been a while. I want to meet them.
(Literally: I want to gather for the first time in a while.)
私もちょうど皆に会いたいなと思ってたところ! ZOOM
I was just thinking that I want to meet them.

Friends & Acquaintances  Complaints  

He is so immature to behave like that.

良い反面教師だね。 ZOOM
He is a good example of “how not to behave.”
(Literally: He is a good “reflecting teacher.”)
どんな感じか私も見てみたいな。 ZOOM
I wish I’d seen it.

無視するのが一番効くかもね。 ZOOM
I think ignoring him is the best punishment for him.
勝手にやらせておけばいいと思うよ。 ZOOM
Just let him do whatever he wants.