Hobbies & Interests EXAMPLE:
新しくネコを飼い始めたんだ。写真もあるよ。 ZOOM
I got a new cat. Here's a picture.
→かわいいね。 ZOOM
Oh, it's so cute!
私、ネコ嫌いだって言わなかったっけ? ZOOM(
I don't like cats, didn't I tell you?
ペットを飼うと、婚期が遅れるんだよ。 ZOOM(
Well now you'll never get married.
[Literally: When you start having cats or dogs, you are letting marriage pass you by. (Because you won't be sad and you'll be busy taking care of them)]
Hobbies & Interests EXAMPLE:
今週末はどうするの? ZOOM
What are your plans for this weekend?
→特に予定はないよ。 ZOOM
Nothing special.
マンガ読んでネットして、引き籠る。 ZOOM
I'm just going to stay home, read manga, and surf the internet.
友達と出かけるよ。 ZOOM
I'm going out with my friends.
暇過ぎて死にそう。何かないかな。 ZOOM
I have way too much free time, I don't know what I'll do.
[Literally: I have too much free time and I'm going to die. Is there anything I can do?]
Idle Conversation Hobbies & Interests EXAMPLE
Last night's soccer game was awesome.
最後に大逆転するなんて予想もしなかったよ。 ZOOM
Them winning was a long shot, I don’t think anyone saw that coming.
[ Literally: I didn't expect that they would score an upset victory.]
家で大声で応援して、隣の人に怒られたよ。 ZOOM
I went overboard cheering at home and got an earful from my neighbor.
Don't tell me what happened! I recorded the game but I haven't seen it yet. ZOOM
悪いな、俺はバスケ派なんだ。 ZOOM
Sorry, I'm a basketball person.
Idle Conversation Hobbies & Interests EXAMPLE
I lost $1000 at the casino.
ギャンブルには手を出すなって言ったのに。. ZOOM
I told you to stay away from gambling.
[Literally: I told you not to put your hands into gambling.]
俺は$5000失くしたことがある。 ZOOM
Once I lost $5000.
男だろ?小さいことにくよくよするな。 ZOOM
Take it like a man. Don't dwell on small things.
この前も言ってたのに、喉元過ぎれば熱さを忘れる、だな。. ZOOM
Again? You forget your promises as soon as you stop feeling the consequences of your last bad decision.
[Literally: You were saying the same thing before. Once it has past the throat, one forgets the heat.]
Hobbies & Interests EXAMPLE
I'm addicted to rock music these days.
お勧めのバンドは何? ZOOM
Oh yeah, what bands do you like?
やっと同じ趣味の仲間に会えた。 ZOOM
Nice to finally meet someone with good taste.
格好良さそうじゃん。 ZOOM
Sounds cool.
女子にはモテなさそうだな。 ZOOM
Well, you won't be popular among girls.