Emotions EXAMPLE
Don’t be so depressed.
期待が大きかった分、がっかりしちゃって。 ZOOM
I had high expectations for it, so that’s making me even more depressed.
こんなことになって落ち込まない人はいないよ。 ZOOM
Anyone would be depressed if they were in the same situation.
(Literally: There is no one who doesn’t get depressed if something like this happens.)
ちょっとは励ましてくれてもいいじゃん。。 ZOOM
I was hoping you’d cheer up
想像以上にショック大きくて。 ZOOM
The shock was greater than I expected.
Emotions EXAMPLE
It’s all right. Everything will turn out fine.
うん、頑張るね。 ZOOM
OK, I’ll do my best.
ありがとう、うまくいくような気がしてきた! ZOOM
Thank you. Now I feel it’s going to be OK.
そんな無責任な言葉がよく言えたもんだよ。 ZOOM
How irresponsible you are to carelessly say such things!
何を根拠に言ってるの? ZOOM
How do you know?
(Literally: What is the evidence to say so?)
Emotions EXAMPLE
I don’t have the courage to tell the truth.
きっと受け入れてくれるよ。 ZOOM
I’m sure he/she will understand it.
言ったほうが、後々楽だよ。 ZOOM
You’ll feel better if you just say it.
こわいよね、気持ちわかるよ ZOOM
I understand, it’s frightening.
時にはうそも方便だよ。 ZOOM
Sometimes, the end justifies the means.
(Literally: Lies can be told in expediential means. Meaning, lying is bad but circumstances may justify it.)
Emotions EXAMPLE
I’m frustrated right now.
どうしたの? ZOOM
What happened?
甘いものでもとって落ち着いて。 ZOOM
Have some sweets and calm down.
(Because people get frustrated when they lack sugar in their body.)
更年期ですか? ZOOM
Are you at the menopausal stage?
(Irony. Would be used only in a really close relationship. Usually, a phrase used when talking behind her/his back. e.g, “She’s so frustrated these days, I think she’s at her menopausal stage.”)
そっか、じゃあまたあとでメールするね。 ZOOM
OK, then I’ll text you later.
Emotions EXAMPLE
How did you feel when we first met?
正直、あんまり覚えてないや。 ZOOM
To be honest, I don’t really remember.
素敵な子がいるなって思ってたよ。 ZOOM
I thought, there’s a lovely girl.
仲良くなりたいなって思ったの覚えてる。 ZOOM
I remember thinking “I want to get closer to that girl.”
いつが初めてだったっけ? ZOOM
When was the first time we met?