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Love & Relationships  Food  

今時は男性だって、料理ぐらいできるに越したことはないでしょ? ZOOM
These days, cooking is a good skill for men to have too, right?

→できない訳じゃないよ、やらないだけで。 ZOOM

It’s not that I can’t do it, I just don’t do it.
作るのは良いんだけど、後片付けが苦手なんだ。 ZOOM
I like cooking, but I’m not good at cleaning the kitchen afterwards.


久しぶりに料理した。 ZOOM
It’s been a while, but I actually did some cooking.

→何作ったの? ZOOM

What did you make?
今度、清水の舞台から飛び降りるつもりで食べに行くわ。 ZOOM
Next time I’ll be brave and go over to try your cooking. [Literally: Next time, with the intention of jumping down from the really high platform in Kiyomizu Temple, I will go there to eat.]
ギャップ萌え狙ってるでしょ? ZOOM
You’re just fishing for compliments by adding something new to your routine.
[Literally: You must be aiming to have people in awe of that “gap” (between the usual you and the you that cooks).]

Complaints  Food  

That restaurant was really horrible.

潰れるのも時間の問題だね。 ZOOM
I think they’ll close down soon.
(Literally: It’s a matter of time before they close down.)
なにが最低だったの? ZOOM
What was so bad about it ?

家で作ったほうがよっぽど美味しいよね。 ZOOM
I think even I can cook better.
(Literally: It tastes much better if we cook at home.)
あそこの接客あまりよくないもんね。 ZOOM
Their service is not so good.


That restaurant was totally awesome.

いいなー私も行ってみたい! ZOOM
Good. I want to go there.
星いくつ? ZOOM
How many stars does it get?
(Literally: How many stars? Usually asking the actual rank in the Michelin guidebook, but could also be used to simply ask your personal rating.)

高級レストランなの? ZOOM
Is it a classy restaurant?