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Idle Conversation  Work/School  

今日は月末だから、ただでさえ仕事が忙しいのに、休みの人がいて、さらに磯がしくて大変だった。 ZOOM
Today was the end of the month, which already makes it busier than usual, and then my colleague was absent which made things even worse.

→とんだ災難だったね。 ZOOM

That's too bad.
[Literally: What a disaster!]
猫の手も借りたい、ってやつ? ZOOM(PICTURE)
You must have been desperate for any help.
[Literally: So, you even wanted to get assistance from cats, huh? ]
こんな日に休むなんて、その同僚空気読めない人? ZOOM
If he/she knew it would be busy at the end of the month, he/she shouldn't have taken a day off.
[Literally: Is he/she a kind who can't "read the air" to take a day-off on such day?]
お疲れ様。 ZOOM
Sounds like it was a rough day.
[Literally: You are tired.]

Idle Conversation  Complaints  

あり得ない。もうへこみ過ぎて立ち直れない。 ZOOM
I'm so depressed. I'll never get over this!

→どうしたの? ZOOM

What happened?
大丈夫。明日は明日の風が吹く。 ZOOM
You'll get through it. Tomorrow is another day.
[Literally: You'll be fine. Winds of tomorrow will blow tomorrow.]
出た。また悲劇のヒロインぶってるよ。 ZOOM(PICTURE)
Again? Stop being such a drama queen.
[Literally: You're acting like a tragic heroine again.]
そんなときは飲むに限るよ。 ZOOM
Why don't you drown your sorrows with alcohol?
[Literally: Drinking alcohol is the best solution.]

Idle Conversation  Complaints  Health & Fitness  

昨夜は全然眠れなくて、今日は寝不足だよ。 ZOOM
I didn't sleep well last night so I’m really tired now.

→大丈夫? ZOOM

Are you all right?
また一夜漬けしたの? ZOOM
So you crammed for your exam again?
[Literally: You studied like “pickles made overnight” again?]
電車で寝過ごさないでね。 ZOOM
Careful not to fall asleep on the train and miss your stop.
栄養ドリンク買ってきたら? ZOOM
Why don't you go get an energy drink?

Idle Conversation  Love & Relationships  

髪、切ったんだ。 ZOOM
I had my hair cut.

→写真送ってよ。 ZOOM

Send me a picture.
僕もカリスマのイケメン美容師になればモテるかな。 ZOOM
If I were a beautician, I'd be cool and girls would like me.
[Literally: I should become a charismatic good-looking beautician to become popular among girls]
どんな髪型でも君なら似合うと思うよ。 ZOOM
You’d look nice with any hairstyle.

Idle Conversation  Complaints  

郵便物が転送されてこないよ? ZOOM
I still haven’t received it (a letter/package).

→郵便局に届けは出した? ZOOM

Have you tried filing a claim with the post office?
郵便局員がヤギなんじゃない? ZOOM(PICTURE)
Who knows what the post office people have done with it.
[Literally: The post office staff were probably goats and ate the paper.]
単に郵便物が届いてないだけじゃない? ZOOM
These things take time, it’s probably on its way still.
おかしいね…都市伝説の1つになるかもね…。 ZOOM
Strange…this is like one of those urban mysteries.

Idle Conversation  Hobbies & Interests  

Last night's soccer game was awesome.

最後に大逆転するなんて予想もしなかったよ。 ZOOM
Them winning was a long shot, I don’t think anyone saw that coming.
[ Literally: I didn't expect that they would score an upset victory.]
家で大声で応援して、隣の人に怒られたよ。 ZOOM
I went overboard cheering at home and got an earful from my neighbor.
Don't tell me what happened! I recorded the game but I haven't seen it yet. ZOOM
悪いな、俺はバスケ派なんだ。 ZOOM
Sorry, I'm a basketball person.

Idle Conversation  Friends & Acquaintances  

I've never lost a fight.

嘘つくなよ。 ZOOM
Don't lie.
何だ?売られた喧嘩は買うぞ。 ZOOM
What? You want to fight me?
[Literally: If you are selling me a 'fight,' I must buy it.]
そんなこと言っていられるのも今のうちだ。 ZOOM
From the looks of it that won’t last long.
[Literally: You won't be saying that for long.]

Idle Conversation  Hobbies & Interests  

I lost $1000 at the casino.

ギャンブルには手を出すなって言ったのに。. ZOOM
I told you to stay away from gambling.
[Literally: I told you not to put your hands into gambling.]
俺は$5000失くしたことがある。 ZOOM
Once I lost $5000.
男だろ?小さいことにくよくよするな。 ZOOM
Take it like a man. Don't dwell on small things.
この前も言ってたのに、喉元過ぎれば熱さを忘れる、だな。. ZOOM
Again? You forget your promises as soon as you stop feeling the consequences of your last bad decision.
[Literally: You were saying the same thing before. Once it has past the throat, one forgets the heat.]

Idle Conversation  

Can I stay at your place tonight?

終電逃したのか?. ZOOM
Did you miss the last train?
ついに家を追い出されたのか。. ZOOM
You finally got kicked out, huh?
うちはホテルじゃないんだぞ。 ZOOM
>My place isn’t a hotel, you know.
しょうがないな。 ZOOM
I guess if there’s no alternative.