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Health & Fitness  

飲み過ぎないでね。健康のことも考えて。 ZOOM
Don't drink too much. You should take better care of yourself.

→付き合いだから断れないんだ。 ZOOM

I just drink socially. Everyone else does it, so I do too.
[Literally: I need to go drinking to socialize and I have no choice to refuse.]
今日は特別。ダイエットは明日から。 ZOOM
I'll start trying to be healthy tomorrow. (“Tomorrow” here is used figuratively and will probably never come.)
[Literally: Today is a special drinking. I'll go on a diet from tomorrow.]
母親みたいなこと言わないでよ。 ZOOM
Thanks, mom.
[Literally: You are saying something like my mother does.]
できるだけね。 ZOOM
I'll try.

Health & Fitness  

フェイスブックにアップした写真見たよ。 ZOOM
I saw your pictures on Facebook.

→どう? ZOOM

What do you think?
恥ずかしいからあまり見ないでよ。 ZOOM
Oh, please don't talk about that. I'm very self-conscious about how I appear in pictures.
写真だと実物より可愛く映ってるでしょ? ZOOM
I think I look better in those pictures.
自撮り、上手になったんだ。 ZOOM
I'm getting better at taking selfies.

Idle Conversation  Complaints  Health & Fitness  

昨夜は全然眠れなくて、今日は寝不足だよ。 ZOOM
I didn't sleep well last night so I’m really tired now.

→大丈夫? ZOOM

Are you all right?
また一夜漬けしたの? ZOOM
So you crammed for your exam again?
[Literally: You studied like “pickles made overnight” again?]
電車で寝過ごさないでね。 ZOOM
Careful not to fall asleep on the train and miss your stop.
栄養ドリンク買ってきたら? ZOOM
Why don't you go get an energy drink?

Health & Fitness  Complaints  


胃が痛い、病気かな? ZOOM
My stomach hurts. I wonder if it’s some kind of bug.

→お大事にね。 ZOOM

Take care.
最近ストレス溜まってるんじゃない? ZOOM
I’ll bet you it’s from too much stress.
気にし過ぎ!小心者だもんね。 ZOOM
Don’t worry about it. You worry too much.
[Literally: Too much worry. You’re such a nervous person.]
病気にかかりにくかったり、病気が治りやすかったりするということから。 ZOOM

Laughter is the best medicine. Thinking about it will only make you get worse.
[Literally: Disease starts with the spirit.]

Friends & Acquaintances  Health & Fitness  

友達が飲み過ぎで転んだらしい。 ZOOM
Apparently, my friend drank too much and keeled over.

→かわいそうに。。。 ZOOM

I’m sorry to hear that.
自業自得だね。 ZOOM
Serves him/her right.
絵に描いたような失敗談だね。 ZOOM
Well now, that’s what we call an epic fail.
[Literally: There’s a story of failure that sounds like it was drawn in a picture.]

Complaints  Health & Fitness  

花粉症で目が痒い ZOOM
My eyes are itchy because of my pollen allergy.

→いいアレルギーの目薬、たくさんあるみたいだよ。 ZOOM

Why don’t you get some eye drops?
目を取り出して洗いたい気分だよね。 ZOOM
I know how it feels. It’s no fun, is it.
[Literally: Makes you want to remove your eyeballs and wash them.]
うさぎって呼んであげる。 ZOOM
Your eyes are really red. [Literally: I’m going to call you Rabbit because your eyes are so red.]

Health & Fitness  

I’m getting motivated starting from tomorrow.

そういって早10年が過ぎたよ。 ZOOM
Remember the last time you said that, 10 years ago?
私のやる気スイッチも見つけてほしいね。 ZOOM
You should teach me.
(Literally: I want you to find where my “motivation switch” is.)

それは本気出さないパターンのやつ。 ZOOM
You say that but nothing happens.

Health & Fitness  

Have you been going to the gym recently?

仕事が忙しくていけてないの。 ZOOM
I’m too busy working to go.
週2では行ってるよ ZOOM
Twice every week.

ほぼ毎日いってるよ ZOOM
Almost every day.
すぐに飽きちゃって全然行ってないや。 ZOOM
I got bored of it, I haven’t been there at all.

Health & Fitness  

I’m not getting enough exercise these days.

私も。体がなまってる感じがする。 ZOOM
Me neither. I feel like my body is getting out of shape.
ジムでも通えば? ZOOM
How about going to a gym?

ランニングでも始めれば? ZOOM
You could start running.
一緒にをウォーキングする? ZOOM
Do you want to go walking with me?