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Friends & Acquaintances  Love & Relationships  

ごめん、もうチャット終わらせなきゃ。 ZOOM
Sorry, we need to finish chatting now.

→いつもそう言ってからが長いくせに。 ZOOM

You always say you're going, but it takes another ten minutes before you actually leave.
[Literally: It's always long before you hang up after you say so.]
あとでまたメールして。 ZOOM
OK, then text me back later.
時間がないなら、始めから連絡してこなきゃいいのに。 ZOOM
Don't start a conversation if you don’t have the time to carry it through.

Love & Relationships  

これが君に買ったプレゼントの写真だよ。 ZOOM
This is a picture of the present I bought for you

→ありがとう。 ZOOM

Thank you.
駄目よ、こんなに高いのを私になんて、猫に小判よ。 ZOOM
This is too much! You shouldn't give me such expensive things.
[Literally: No. If you give such expensive things to me, it's like giving gold coins to cats.]
ネットで売ったらいくらになるかしら。 ZOOM
How much do you think I can get if I sell online?

Love & Relationships  Food  

今時は男性だって、料理ぐらいできるに越したことはないでしょ? ZOOM
These days, cooking is a good skill for men to have too, right?

→できない訳じゃないよ、やらないだけで。 ZOOM

It’s not that I can’t do it, I just don’t do it.
作るのは良いんだけど、後片付けが苦手なんだ。 ZOOM
I like cooking, but I’m not good at cleaning the kitchen afterwards.

Love & Relationships  

電話もメールも何回もしたのに。何で昨日は出てくれなかったの? ZOOM
I called and texted you so many times. Why didn't you answer my message yesterday?

→ごめん、忙しかったから。 ZOOM

Sorry, I was busy.
便りがないのは良い知らせって言うでしょ。 ZOOM
You should be glad not to hear from me: no news is good news, right ?
なんか、そういう気分じゃなかったんだよ。 ZOOM
I wasn't in the mood.
あんまりしつこいと着拒するよ。 ZOOM
If you keep bothering me, I'll have to switch on do-not-disturb mode.
[Literally: I will put you on the refusal number list if you're going to be persistent.]

Love & Relationships  

わかったよ、それならもういい! ZOOM
OK, OK! Never mind then!

→どうして怒っているの? ZOOM

Why are you mad at me?
何、逆ギレ? ZOOM
What? I was the one who was angry.
[Literally: Now what? Misplaced anger?]
子供みたいな態度とらないでよ。 ZOOM
Hey, don’t be childish.

Love & Relationships  

将来は金持ちになりたいよな。 ZOOM
I want to be rich in the future.

→もっと現実的な目標はないの? ZOOM

Don't you have any more realistic plans?
宝くじでも買って一攫千金を狙う? ZOOM
Then you should play the lottery, you could get rich really quickly.
そのためにも、しっかり働いてちょうだい。 ZOOM
Then you should work hard.
これ以上お金持ちになってどうするの? ZOOM
You are already rich enough.
[Literally: What do you want to do if you get richer than now?]

Love & Relationships  

彼がいつも話してる高校の友達だよ。 ZOOM
He's my high-school friend, you know, the one I'm always talking about.

→はじめまして。 ZOOM

Nice to meet you.
お話にはよく聞いてます。 ZOOM
I've heard a lot about you.
話で聞いていたよりも、全然格好いいじゃないの。 ZOOM
You're way cooler than I expected from his stories.
彼がいつもお世話になってます。 ZOOM
Thank you for being a good friend to him.
[Literally: Thank you always for looking after him.]

Love & Relationships  

僕と結婚してくれますか? ZOOM
Will you marry me?

→もちろん、喜んで。 ZOOM

Of course.
嘘?夢みたい! ZOOM
Oh my god! I can't believe this!
ちょっと考えさせて。 ZOOM
I need some time to think.
あまりにムードがなさすぎる。プロポーズやり直して。 ZOOM
A proposal should be more romantic. You should propose to me againt when the mood is better!
[Literally: The mood is not good at all. Propose me again.]

Love & Relationships  

本当にごめんね。 ZOOM
I'm really sorry about that.

→こっちこそごめん。 ZOOM

Oh, I’m sorry, too.
ごめんで済むなら警察はいらないんだよ。 ZOOM
I'm not going to forgive you just because you said sorry.
[Literally: If "sorry" can solve everything, then we don't need a police.]
本当にもう気にしてないから大丈夫。 ZOOM
It's all right. Forget about it.
埋め合わせに何か買ってくれる? ZOOM
Then, will you buy me something as a make up-gift?

Idle Conversation  Love & Relationships  

髪、切ったんだ。 ZOOM
I had my hair cut.

→写真送ってよ。 ZOOM

Send me a picture.
僕もカリスマのイケメン美容師になればモテるかな。 ZOOM
If I were a beautician, I'd be cool and girls would like me.
[Literally: I should become a charismatic good-looking beautician to become popular among girls]
どんな髪型でも君なら似合うと思うよ。 ZOOM
You’d look nice with any hairstyle.

Love & Relationships  

君のことが大好きだから、もっといっぱいメールしてもいい? ZOOM
I love you so much. Can I text you more often?

→私もそう思ってたの。 ZOOM

I was just thinking the same thing.
過ぎたるはなお及ばざるがごとし、だよ。 ZOOM
More than enough is too much, you know.
今ぐらいがちょうどいいんじゃないかな。 ZOOM
I think it's better to let things stay the way they are now.

Complaints  Love & Relationships  

今日ナンパされたの。 ZOOM
Today some guy was hitting on me.

→その人、目が悪いんじゃない? ZOOM

Is his eyesight okay?
あなた、後ろ姿はキマッてるもんね。 ZOOM
Well, you look good, after all…from behind. (Not really a compliment)
自慢話?うぬぼれが強いんじゃない? ZOOM
Are you proud of that? You’re pretty conceited, aren’t you.
私なんか日常茶飯事よ? ZOOM
Yeah, happens to me all the time.
(Indirectly calling the recipient out on their bragging)

Friends & Acquaintances  Love & Relationships  

友達が、変な男に夢中になっちゃってる。 ZOOM
My friend is crazy about some weird guy.

→恋は盲目って言うからね。 ZOOM

Well love is blind, as they say.
恋の病に薬なし ZOOM
There ain’t no cure for love.
夢中になれる相手がいるだけマシだよ。 ZOOM
Just be grateful that someone actually exists to fall for.
ある意味、いいコンビじゃない? ZOOM
Well then, sounds like they were made for each other.

Love & Relationships  Friends & Acquaintances  

I got a girlfriend.

やったな。 ZOOM
抜け駆けしやがって。 ZOOM
You jumped the gun, that’s not cool. (Implying both parties had agreed to ask the girl out at the same time and let her choose, and one broke the agreement.)
俺は明日から一体誰と遊べばいいんだ?. ZOOM
Hey, now who am I going to hang out with?
今度紹介しろよ。 ZOOM
Introduce her to me next time you see me!

Love & Relationships  

How was your date the other day?

楽しかった!次のデートの約束もしたよ。 ZOOM
It was nice. We already arranged our next one.
なんかいまいち盛り上がらなかった。 ZOOM
It wasn’t really enjoyable or exciting.

二回目はないなって感じ。 ZOOM
I don’t think I’ll be meeting him again.
(Literally: I think there’s no second time.)
相手の服がダサくて、速攻帰った。 ZOOM
He/She was wearing frumpy clothes so I left him/her soon after meeting him/her.

Love & Relationships  

What is your boyfriend like?

40歳、 実家暮らし、ニート。 ZOOM
He is 40 years old, living with his parents, and is a NEET.
(NEET: people not in education, employment, or training).
かっこよくはないけど、優しい人だよ。 ZOOM
He’s not handsome, but he is kind.

友達みたいで一緒にいて楽しいの。 ZOOM
I really enjoy being with him. It’s like being with a friend.

Love & Relationships  

What was the reason for breaking up?

価値観の違いかな。 ZOOM
We had a different set of values.
相手の浮気。 ZOOM
He/She cheated on me.

もう恋愛感情がなくなったの。 ZOOM
I have no romantic feelings for him/her anymore.
他に好きな人ができたんだって。 ZOOM
He/She said there’s someone else he/she is interested in.

Love & Relationships  

I heard that she/he is getting married.

おめでたいね。 ZOOM
Congratulations to him/her.
また、先越されたね。 ZOOM
So there’s another one going ahead of you/us.
(Meaning, many people around them are already married, while they (or at least the recipient) are not.)
そうなんだ、式にはでるの? ZOOM
Oh really? Are you attending her/his wedding?
あーあ、私の王子様はどこにいるんだろう。 ZOOM
I wonder where my prince is.
(Here, “prince” means the future husband, often with unrealistic ideal.)

Love & Relationships  

Why were you mad that time?

別に怒ってないよ。 ZOOM
I wasn’t mad.
少しは自分で考えてよ ZOOM
Why don’t you think about it and answer yourself.

すごく気分を害されることをされたんだ。 ZOOM
Someone did something that made me really upset.
まだ怒ってるよ。 ZOOM
I am still mad.

Love & Relationships  

I reconciled with (someone I was fighting with).

雨降って地固まるだね。 ZOOM
Adversity strengthens the foundation.
(Literally: Rain settles the soil.)
もう同じことで喧嘩しないようにね。 ZOOM
Don’t fight again for the same reason.

よかったね。どうなることかと思ったよ。 ZOOM
I’m glad to hear that. I was worried about what would happen.